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Wednesday 14 June 2023

proposed Peruvian law could cause Indigenous genocide in Amazon



A new proposed law in Peru could unleash hell in the Amazon, in a massive onslaught against isolated Indigenous communities. Local leaders are trying to block it -- and have asked for help to make their call massive, hoping that a groundswell of support from global voices could tip the scales in their favor. Let's answer their urgent call -- and deliver our strong numbers in the corridors of power to block this bill! Sign the petition and share with everyone:


Dear friends,
Peru's lawmakers are about to vote on a new law that could cause a genocide in the Amazon.

This hellish proposal has a target: the sacred lands of isolated Indigenous communities, who are unaware of the danger surrounding them.

Backed by miners, loggers and oil lobbyists, if this law passes, it could strip these isolated communities of their land rights, and create a new wave of invasions, destruction, violence and deadly viruses.

We need to act. Fast!

Indigenous leaders from across the country have taken their plea to the press, organising protests and lobbying lawmakers. But they fear this won't be enough to stop the law. Now, they have asked our help to make this global -- hoping that a groundswell of support from global voices could tip the scales in their favor.

Let's answer their call -- add your voice now, and let's shield these communities from this hellish onslaught:
Stand with the Indigenous peoples of Peru
Indigenous Peoples have protected over a third of the Amazon rainforest, keeping it intact for generations. But now, private interests are exploiting political instability to dismantle the very law that shields uncontacted communities in Peru, and to satisfy their relentless greed for oil drilling, logging, and industrial agriculture.

This is a fight for survival - and it's unfair: 25 communities living in isolation, unaware of the danger they face, up against formidable lobbyists determined to undermine the legal protections that help ensure their survival.

We cannot let this happen.

Local leaders are sparing no effort to halt what many call the “genocide bill”, and a million voices from around the world backing their call would show the Peruvian Congress that the world is watching.

Add your voice now and spread the word far and wide. Let's make this massive and work with local Indigenous leaders to deliver our voices directly to Congress before the vote happens:
Stand with the Indigenous peoples of Peru

Peruvian Indigenous leaders have been crucial in the fight to protect the Amazon and our planet. Now they’re calling on our global community to help them push back against the corporate interests seeking to dismantle the laws that protect the lands and lives of Perú’s uncontacted peoples. Let’s answer their call.

With hope and determination,

Diego, Mo, Luis, Raul, Ana Paula, Laura, Oscar, Miguel and the whole Avaaz team

More information:

Peru lawmakers propose bill to strip Indigenous people of protections (The Guardian)
Peru congress debates stripping isolated Indigenous people of land and protections (Mongabay)
Oil in the Peruvian Amazon: Obscene Profits Through Immoral Strategies (Amazon Watch)
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