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Saturday 23 December 2023

Canada's complicity in Gaza terror

from World BEYOND War email today - apologies to WBW but my system can't post their pictures

Dear Chris,
20,000 Palestinians have now been killed in the Israeli military's attacks on Gaza. 8000 children are dead.   

I know that during the last two months many of you have joined us, every single week, in protests on the streets and at our MP offices. In blockades at weapons factories and rail lines. In sit-ins at government offices and consulates. In putting up posters and marching across your city and town. In vigils and film screenings and trainings and letter-writing sessions, over and over again.

This groundswell of resistance across Canada demanding an end to Israeli war crimes in Palestine is why the Canadian government finally voted for a ceasefire.

They are hoping we will be satisfied with this one non-binding UN vote, even as bombs continue to fall on Gaza killing hundreds every single day. Even as Canada continues to directly support the Israeli military's actions through shipping them weapons.

But we will not be satisfied until the violence ends. Instead, we need to ramp up the pressure. We need to continue mobilizing in high gear to do whatever we can to end the horrific violence decimating Gaza as we speak.

We're not slowing down. Here are some of the initiatives we've launched and built up in just the past week, and how you can get involved.

Demanding an arms embargo, mapping the Canada-Israel arms trade, and blockading weapons factories:

Every week we've updated our map of companies across Canada involved in supporting the Israeli military. And we've organized blockades at many of the locations on it from coast-to-coast to interrupt the flow of weapons to Israel and impact the bottom-lines of the companies arming and profiting off of Israeli military violence in Gaza. Between us and our allies' efforts more than 30 Canada Stop Arming Israel direct actions have taken place across the country in the past two months. Here are two we organized last week:
We just launched a new campaign with Ontario teachers to stop their pension plan from funding and profiting off of the slaughter of Palestinians:

Please make sure Ontario teachers and pension plan members across the province get a chance to join in this brand new campaign. Help spread the word on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.
Inviting tips, leaks, and other information on the ways in which Canada is aiding Israeli military violence

If you are a public servant, member of the Canadian Armed Forces, private contractor, or anyone else with relevant information about Canada’s involvement in arming Israel, or its support to the Israeli military or commercial defense and surveillance technology sectors, we invite you to share it with us safely and confidentially.   

Can you help spread this callout far and wide so the right people see it?
The Canadian government just announced it intends to spend $2.49 billion on its first fleet of armed military drones, a fleet of MQ-9 Reapers

This week, after Parliament adjourned for the holiday season, the Canadian government quietly released plans to purchase their first fleet of military armed drones for both domestic surveillance and attacks overseas. They're hoping we won't notice their sneaky announcement.

Canada is already selling drone parts to Israel, including the engines for the IDF's Heron TP (Eitan) combat drones currently used in Gaza. The last thing we need is for the Canadian military to begin purchasing its own fleet of armed drones to wreak terror around the world.

Take action to cancel this planned purchase here.
A few more snapshots of our recent Palestine solidarity work
See many more updates on our work across Canada over the last few weeks here.
In solidarity,
Rachel Small
Canada Organizer, World BEYOND War
P.S. We operate on a shoestring budget – the way we fund our work taking bold action to resist militarism across Canada and mobilizing powerfully in solidarity with people experiencing violence all over the world is through individual people who believe in what we do, giving what they can. Can you chip in?
World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, chapters, and affiliated organizations advocating for the abolition of the institution of war.

World BEYOND War | PO Box 152, Toronto PO E, ON, M6H 4E2 Canada

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