Venus retrograde July 22, 2023
By Mike Zizis
“You need to calm down.” — Taylor Swift
Venus begins her retrograde in the sign of {28 degrees Leo} on July 22, 2023, and stations direct on {12 degrees Leo} September 3, 2023. Venus retrogrades every 18 months, spending approximately 40 days in her descent.
For a change for now — let’s skip the drama. Venus RX is 100% natural in the rhythms of the living. The planets are not a plague or a curse sent to make us worse. Sometimes the tide is out and the fish are gone, for a while.
In myth, Persephone the beautiful 11-year-old girl was abducted and plunged into the underworld by the rapist God Pluto. The underworld that was a place of departed souls, death, jewels, precious metals, and moaning. Venus RX resembles this story. Venus direct favors being social, dinner parties, thank you cards, being attractive and attracted, and All the pretty and luxurious things. When she goes retrograde she folds into herself. Thus we can feel a little unloved and unappreciated during this transit.
Venus Retrograde in Leo can also get us questioning the relationships in our lives and what we truly value. We may feel like certain relationships are no longer speaking to us on a heart level. We may also find our ideas around what love is changing and evolving.
The things we value may also be up for a change, and it’s possible we could find ourselves questioning what is truly important to us.
Venus Retrograde is also a deep time of heart healing, and can guide us to look over past relationship dynamics or issues around love to see what needs to be cleared.
There are times in the experiment of living for all of us — when one or two more straws breaks the camel’s back. You will find the easiest thing you will do is to possibly hurt those closest to you, sever the bonds of a relationship, buy stuff you don’t need, undergo the ugly truths of cosmetic surgery gone bad, get the tattoo in haste and regret it and the pain that comes with removing it, and that new or electric car that’s more trouble than it’s worth but it was pretty and the salesman was nice to you.
Let’s be clear; 100 percent of this is avoidable. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being cautious and humane. There’s nothing wrong with being prudent and careful. We can all do better. I can do better.
All the space not taken up by knowledge in our psyche will be taken up by ego. Life on this plane is one of often quick karmic returns. Saying you don’t care doesn’t change a thing except it encourages self-sabotage. After all, in the matter of self-care who wants to check the amount of gasoline in that tank, or the battery levels in their new electric car?
We are all cordially invited during this time to be thoughtful. Our collective war on adulthood does have consequences. Venus retrograde always favors, in all circumstances, a return to the five senses. Put on your favorite music, listen, sail a paper airplane across the room, listen again to the birds and the wind, let ice cream linger a little longer on your palate, actually look at the color of someone else’s eyes, breathe in the aroma of saffron or the lentils churning in the pot, actually lift up your feet and rotate your ankles, three or four times left, five or six times right, find someone who trusts you and put your hand gently in the middle of their back. You get the drill.
Many people bought Tesla vehicles a week and sometimes the day before the price dropped. Wait until Venus turns direct, and you may be pleasantly surprised. Got it?
AND here is THAT list:
Venus rules beauty, ideals, love, relationships, luxury, and hygiene. During Venus Retrograde:
Cultivate your own company
Repair and mend anything
Listen MORE than talk
Go on silent retreats
Be fine about thoughtful apologies
Read a book
Quit an addiction
Notice the colour of a close relative’s eyes instead of obsessing on their toxic presence
Write inclusively
Speak calmly and slowly
Add a word a day to your vocabulary
Choose foods that enhance health
Allow friendships, etc. to end without misery,
Take old clothes to charities.
Get a tattoo
Have cosmetic surgery
Buy pretty and expensive things
Blame a partner for your own shortcomings
Experiment with non-traditional or polyamorous sex and sexual partners
Join the why-not club of self-sabotage
Join a cult
Use the word, ‘But’
Start a negative addiction.